Colleen Dermody is a strategic communicator, a marketing solutions counselor and a social marketi...
Dana Beyer, M.D., a retired eye surgeon, is a well-known advocate for health issues as well as ge...
Marke Meinke is founder and chair of Rainbow History Project, which works to collect, preserve, a...
Wesley Combs is a senior manager and Global Co-Lead for the Inclusion & Diversity Competency ...
Antonio Pineda is a case manager at Andromeda Health Clinic in northwestern Washington, D.C., whe...
Dr. Chloe Schwenke is a Quaker human rights activist, development practitioner and academic with ...
Brian Watson resides and works in Washington, D.C.’s Deanwood section of Ward 7. Since relo...
Sean Bugg is co-publisher and editorial director of Metro Weekly, Washington, D.C.’s gay an...
I have been a fierce advocate for social justice and civil liberties issues for 5 very creative y...
Jackie DeCarlo has lived in the DC area for almost 20 years. Her volunteer activities have revolv...