Meet the Intern: Olivia

Welcome Olivia (She/Her) to the DC Center! You can meet Olivia at the DC Center on weekdays. She is looking forward to promoting the importance of mental health awareness and providing resources to the community.

Birthdate, Astro Sign

August 22, Leo

Where are you originally from? 

I am from Wyoming and was raised Palm Springs, CA

Why did you start working at the DC Center? 

I wanted to becoming more knowledgeable and lend my support to the LGBTQ+ community.

What has been your favorite part about working at the DC Center?

The support and kindness that I’ve been met with since starting.

What is your music anthem? 

Black Sheep from the movie Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

What is your favorite part about the LGBTQ+ community? 

That no matter what the community faces, there will always be an influx of love, support, and prosperity.

What is your favorite spot in DC and what do you do there? 

I love exploring neighborhoods and finding their local bookstores and cafes!

What is your favorite queer movie?  

Bottoms; I love a good Coming-of-Age movie!

What color would you paint the White House, given the chance?  

Emerald City Green

Who do you look up to in the queer community?

Chappel Roan; I strongly admire how firm to her beliefs are, how true to herself she stay, and she stands up for her boundaries.

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